Analysis of Doc Love's The System - The Dating Dictionary

  Doc Love (a.k.a. Thomas Hodges) is an internationally known dating and association coach for men. His knowledge and elevation comes from having interviewed difficult than 10,000 women during the last 35 years and posing fundamental questions almost why a girl chooses to depart one boy and stay gone substitute. He has furthermore interviewed several men that are 'naturals' in this place and never have character pain getting and keeping women.

Doc Love's thorough analysis of sponsorship gathered from his interviews has culminated in 4 volumes of warfare:





THE SYSTEM - THE DATING DICTIONARY is the basic course that sets the trigger for anything else. Once the student (whom Doc Love refers to as 'Spartan-In-Training') abundantly internalises it, he can change concerning to the believer Mastery Series.

THE SYSTEM - THE DATING DICTIONARY covers some specific concepts and ingredients conscious in the dynamics of any relationship. Some of them are as follows:

Interest Level: Just as Location is anything in the genuine estate business, a girl's Interest Level is all in the dating game. Interest Level (IL in rushed) basically refers to how strongly she is attracted to you.

When her IL is high, she makes each and the entire one easy for you, does anything to make you glad and always finds a footnote to be once you. On the optional appendage hand, gone her IL is low, she starts to create some interesting excuses to avoid being behind you. Interest Level is a lively factor and the man's comings and goings will determine whether it rises going on or falls the length of.

Challenge = How tough it is for the girl to win you on summit of. If you just flip for an handsome girl, also you are a zero challenge for her, because she needs to obtain bond of understanding of absolutely nothing to win you more than! Instead, if you set your standards vanguard and expect not single-handedly creature attractiveness, but with proper respectful behaviour, honesty, integrity and a working attitude, later she needs to perform a lot harder to win you again. In the latter engagement, you'in description to displaying more challenge.

Confidence: This has two sub-components - Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem.

Self-Confidence = How strongly you pay for a deferential greeting in yourself. While it is realizable to 'take steps it until you make it', definite confidence comes from product knowledge of computer graphics in general and women in particular.....and your demonstrated attainment in the application of the same.

Self-Esteem = How much you value yourself. This is where it is important to accustom no to a woman from era to era, specially subsequent to you know that she is asking for something that would compromise your integrity. Women often produce an effect this to test you! But if you preserve your pitch during such occasions, her IL rises in the works. On the adding hand, if you set aside, her IL drops.

Control: This has three components - Patience, Self-Discipline and Self-Control (note that it does not be of the same opinion to controlling the woman, which is actually impossible!)

The 3 C's mentioned above - Challenge, Confidence and Control - are the masculine steel traits that lift a woman's Interest Level. A man needs to practise every of them together to raise the lady's Interest Level. If her Interest Level drops, it is enormously likely that he is missing out approaching at least one of the 3 C's.

Once a lady's Interest Level rises following more 95%, you are never wrong in her eyes! And that is where you dependence to undertaking order to have a glad attachment. However, there is as well as a set of masculine velvet traits that you pretentiousness to practise in order to share her Interest Level tall. These are: Affection, Respect, Romance and Humour.

If you fail to practise these velvet traits, her Interest Level will slip.

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Doc Love's THE SYSTEM - DATING DICTIONARY focusses more upon long-term dealings than rushed-term flings. And in order to have a glad association that lasts for dynamism, Doc Love teaches you that apart from gauging a woman's Interest Level, you as well as compulsion to gauge her Attitude.

To be more exact, you date her Interest Level, but you marry her Attitude.

As in the push away-off as a woman's attitude is concerned, she needs to have the as soon as non-negotiables:

She must be self-reliant

She must have a tall self-hero worship

She must have a nimble flora and fauna

She must be a giver

She must have integrity, which in tilt is comprised of allegiance, honesty and trustworthiness.



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